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Not surprised anymore - 2009-01-22
In response to gender differences in achievement (Vera)

Wow are you ill informed, girls are outperforming boys in most developed countries, and in a lot of under developed ones as well. Why? Girls of course.

Truth is boys, once they get to an age where people actually start caring about testing them, are so concerned about their female classmates, that they perform poorly, or less well I should say, than their female counterparts. Girls are far less visually stimulated you see, and supposedly more mature for their age than boys, possible I admit. Combine these two things, and it is too great a distracton for boys. Best advice, segregate classrooms by gender. Not ideal, but schools that do it, private ones, see the boys doing as well, or better, than the girls.

I think boys also simply have more outlets in terms of extra activities than girls, activities often done to attract girls. The real problem is girls, just put them all in male and female only schools, that will do the trick ;)

Seriously though, it is a problem, but mostly because of the overly sexualized atmosphere, that did not exist 50 years ago. That and men being far more visual than women, well, combined it has created the ability for boys to be much more easily distracted. Do some research, you will find studies done on the subject, even news and TV shows have talked about this disparity and it's causes.

Not much you can do. The truth is, men are technically speaking slightly more capabable in intellectual pursuits than women, due to millions of years of analytical thinking as hunter seekers. That said, it all boils down to how we use it, and if we use it, and develop it. Girls smarter than boys? Actual boys have the potential to be smarter than girls, however sadly, society, and exposure to sex at a too young age, has combined to distract them far to much at younger ages for as much learning to occur for them. Sad but true.

Oh well, that's life I say, have to deal with it. I just don't like the ever growing sterotype you see in movies and on tv portraying men as dumber than women, what farsical nonsense.

One can only hope someone finds some way, besides segregating the sexes, which will solve the problem. I'm at a loss.

Until parents start to play more of a part, limiting what kids can see on the internet, in movies, and on TV, such thoughts and dsitractions with young boys today, well, it will just continue.

With a world society so saturated with images of sex, I doubt much is possible though, even with a parents intervention. A pity.

Messages In This Thread
gender differences in achievement -- Vera -- 2009-01-20
Re: gender differences in achievement -- Not surprised anymore -- 2009-01-22
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