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Guy - 2005-01-12

Hello again Folks,

Good to be here with you guys again.Lucy and all the others who are taking time to appreciate "WHAT A GREAT CHINA", I give you all a millitary salute.
Now Dos says my making mention of the "Native Laowais" was either an oxymoron or better still,I was simply being sacarstic???My dear Dos,open your eyes,if you really came to this China for the ultimate sake of teaching.
I see many things,dear Dos,things that have frequently moved me to the point of tears for what seems to be an eternity.Folks get here with a great desire to teach,but schools recruit them with a great desire to milk parents dry.This is a very simple chemical reaction;the parents are crazy about Native Laowais and the recruiters are crazy about Get-Me-Rich-quick,so there is a rat race of nefarious balancing of equations going on.
The recruiters get the schools to put some native laowais on parade,this instantly catches the impression of the parents who then pay what it takes for their children to get into the schools on cue.
End result,are our dear Chinese children really learning?Are our dear Chinese parents reaping what they sow?

To be continued...

Messages In This Thread
WHAT A GREAT CHINA (part two) -- Guy -- 2005-01-12
Yup -- Dos -- 2005-01-12
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