Yanni Zack - 2009-02-11
In response to HELP!! (Lindsay Horobin)

Please do not throw in the towel.
Here are some suggestions:
First, find out what the students interests are. Then, create activities around these interests.
Use lots and lots of visuals (pictures) for teaching vocabulary.
Do not let them use their L1. Constantly remind them to only use English- if they need help with a word or phrase, offer to help them. Have them create a dictionary of words and vocabulary they can use on their own.
Use hands-on learning, role play, and creative activities to get them involved.
Remember to create lessons that use all learning modalities- auditory, visual and kinesthetic.
When teaching, remember that students need to be active participants and not passive spectators in all lesson activities.

Messages In This Thread
HELP!! -- Lindsay Horobin -- 2009-02-11
Re: HELP!! -- Kay -- 2009-02-13
Re: HELP!! -- Yanni Zack -- 2009-02-11

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