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The Owl - 2009-02-15

Observing FT's in China and other countries, can you relate to the following:

"The latest Department of Education study, published this month, showed again that there is no correlation between teacher certification and teacher effectiveness. Particularly in lower grades, it also doesnt seem to matter if a teacher has a graduate degree or went to a better college or had higher SATs."
Source: "Our Greatest National Shame" by Nicholas Kristof, New York Times Feb 14 2009 - http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/15/opinion/15kristof.html

Messages In This Thread
Good teachers - vs. - diplomas -- The Owl -- 2009-02-15
Re: Good teachers - vs. - diplomas -- k -- 2009-02-22
Re: Good teachers - vs. - diplomas -- cuning linguist -- 2009-02-22
Re: Good teachers - vs. - diplomas -- Turino -- 2009-02-22
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