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Maria - 2009-02-27
In response to I Speak U Speak (Beck)


I have been working with Training Express for a while and I can see no reason for anybody to be concerned about. You should know that ispeakuspeak.com (aka isus) is not the name of the company but an interactive tool developed by them used by teachers and students as a teaching platform. You should check out www.trainingexpress.es for more info.

Also, it is normal in Spain for a company to ask you for your national id (passport if you are not Spanish), SS number and Bank Account number (most companies will not agree to pay you into a PP account - they will ask you to open a Spanish bank account if you do not already have one). Of course, you are right to be cautious; to be honest, I am also very suspicious when it comes to giving my bank and personal info to anybody, so I did my research before joining Training Express.

At the moment, I have a valid teaching contract (which does not always happen when you are a private teacher - at least in Spain) and I work from home. I do not have to spend tens of hours a week preparing classes (it's all in the ispeakuspeak.com platform) and the platform allows teachers, students and their companies to track progress and student satisfaction. And I have been getting paid into my bank account without any problems so far.

My experience until now is very good and I intend to work with them for as long as I can. I hope this info is of help to you. Best of luck with the job hunting :-)

Messages In This Thread
I Speak U Speak -- Beck -- 2008-12-15
Re: I Speak U Speak -- ISUS Coach -- 2013-04-04
Re: I Speak U Speak -- Maria -- 2009-02-27
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