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John latimer - 2009-02-28

Time allows, as previous engagements have been canceled!

I notice a big discrepancy in the postings of certain posters. When they post an essay it is well written and rational, but when responding to an individual poster the wording is as different as night and day. It borders somewhere between low end English and crude English. It is analogous to the smart-ass repertoire of a child who has reached puberty. They accuse, insinuate, and use conjecture, with little or nothing based on fact.

This leads me to believe that some posters are like a "song and dance man", in this case a "copy and paste man.

The computer has made it very easy for one to appear knowledgeable, when in fact that may not be the case. It only takes seconds to look up a subject and plagiarize a piece of work, add your name and say it is your creation. Plagiarism as we know may not be limited to one source, many people take a bit here and there to try to create a paper that appears original, but is not, and is very difficult to trace to the original sources.

This in mind, I would like to warn new readers and would be posters to read previous posts before making an inquiry or posting to get a feel of the regular poster's past history. Do not take it for granted that the reply you might receive is coming from the pen of a reliable source, or a person that will answer questions truthfully and honestly. Many of these people are shooting from the hip, based on hearsay and from their own personal bad experiences, and not on fact. When one reads a report of a bad experience it should be further investigated. There are instances when the individual is responsible for creating a negative experience and not the school or training center. A bad experience for one person is only fact for that person and not necessarily an experience shared by the majority. If you are requesting information, or stating a center or school you are working for, or have worked for, is fair and honest, I doubly warn you to read the history of their attacks and replies. Anyone inquiring and seeking an honest reply should take the reply given with a grain of salt.

Do your homework and find as much information as your can about the prospective center or school before making a commitment. There are many bad training centers and schools but not as many as the marauders on these posts would have you believe. I myself have worked for bad training schools. If you happen to find yourself in an unfortunate situation at a school or training center, stand up and be strong. Think logically, do not lose your cool, for every action there is a reaction. Animals smell fear in people and take advantage of that fear. If one truly shows no fear, the animals can sense it and will usually run to easier prey. People are only a higher form of animals. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps and move on. When one door closes, another door opens.

Time moves forward and the names change but the stories, answers, and attacks remain the same, from the same people. These people seem to think, that for some reason they run (own) these posts. The truth of the matter is they are only a small group who try to appear superior in their experiences and knowledge of teaching in all foreign countries. These are the been there, done that people. These people think they have and know all the answers and can save you the heartache, but these same people may also cost you the loss of an experience you might have truly enjoyed if you accept their rhetoric as fact.

Messages In This Thread
Copy & Paste -- John latimer -- 2009-02-28
Re: Copy & Paste -- Finnigan -- 2009-03-01
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