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GreenSmurf - 2009-03-09

You protest too much scholar, so of course you have a need.

As for a degree in dressmaking, don't twist my words, clearly you see what you want to. If the person hs a degree, then tey need not pay anyone off, they are legal, or have you forgotten a degree in "anything" will get you a legal visa here. I did not say it is right, moral, or ethical, only that it is the current law, and if you want to get past that law, go to work in a backward province where everything is mired in a gray area.

In reality, 90, 95 percent of employers here will not hire you without a degree, real or fake, hence, I am speaking of only the legal. Is it wrong, surely, but life is rarely fair. You won't be getting a legal visa 90 plus percent of the time unless you have the sheep skin, real or fake. The other 5 to 10 percent of the time, we are talking about illegal schools, or schools that have paid someone off. If you have a degree in dress making, you're in, because hey, it is a degree, and that's all that is required. Experience though is not enough, it is a "pretext" which means someone is on the take, and needs a good excuse for qualifying someone for a legal work visa, but it is not a real reason, not here, where everything is quid pro quo.

Now if you want to argue what is right and what is wrong, that's a different matter. Many without degrees are better teachers than those with, blah blah blah. This subject has been discussed to death, and will continue to be.

I find it humorous that you can't handle someone using a slang term like bupkiss without pointing it out, a true sign that you feel you are superior and an authority, like a blue blook talking down to peasants, LOL. Give us a break, you are above using slang, good for you, really just means you feel a need to point out that you are above others. Gimmie a break.

Messages In This Thread
China: Chinese VISA -- Bob THT -- 2009-03-05
Re: Chinese VISA -- scholar -- 2009-03-06
Re: Chinese VISA -- Bob THT -- 2009-03-06
Re: Chinese VISA -- Turino -- 2009-03-06
Re: Chinese VISA -- Bob THT -- 2009-03-07
Re: Chinese VISA -- scholar -- 2009-03-07
Re: Chinese VISA -- GreenSmurf -- 2009-03-07
visas and stuff -- doesitmatter -- 2009-03-07
A university hired 3 teachers without degree, Z visas issued -- scholar -- 2009-03-07
Re: A university hired 3 teachers without degree, Z visas issued -- GreenSmurf -- 2009-03-08
Re: A university hired 3 teachers without degree, Z visas issued -- scholar -- 2009-03-08
Re: A university hired 3 teachers without degree, Z visas issued -- ModelTeacher -- 2009-03-09
Re: A university hired 3 teachers without degree, Z visas issued -- Turino -- 2009-03-09
Re: A university hired 3 teachers without degree, Z visas issued -- GreenSmurf -- 2009-03-09
Re: A university hired 3 teachers without degree, Z visas issued -- scholar -- 2009-03-09
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