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Paul - 2009-03-11

I fully understand your concerns :) I am not even trying to compare myself with high-grade teachers. But I happen to know many native speakers, mostly from central and eastern Europe. And I will say 90% of them are much worse than minor local teachers, they were carpenters, bus drivers etc in homeland and got a well-paid job as a teacher just because they were from US or UK. I have spent some time in China. Enough to know how that country works and how people think :) There is no way they can get enough qualified teachers. You'd need to take all good teachers from US and British schools and it wouldn't be enough. I know there are many great people here, with great qualifications, but it seems to be just a tiny elite. Unless I'm wrong of course. Also, I was in no position to ask people I met in China about salaries, etc.

I'm not saying I can teach some adults at good university. I am just curious if I should even start seriously looking into that area, that is going to China to work there. If I'd get a fair job, with fair salary... I know good and bad things about teaching and about China :) I'm not one of that guys "Hey, I speak some English, I don't look Asian, I can go there, pretend to teach them and spend all the time with pretty girls". But it's surprising how many people with that attitude go and stay there. Some schools must have really really low criteria :)

Anyway, I'm just looking for hints. I have few months to think about it. I won't be offended if people here say, that I should let go and just work in homeland and maybe visit China in few years on holidays :)

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Re: What can I expect? -- Paul -- 2009-03-11
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