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Turino - 2009-04-11

Silverboy said:I was offered loads of work in China, but for some reason mostly at public middle schools.
Yes,what you say is in line with my recent jobseeking attempts here in China.
In fact,as I think you'd agree,the public middle school setup in China is really run as private education system in most key middle schools in a society which is now faltering in offering good career opportunities to its school leavers at a time when the recent rapid development here is stalling.
What better opportunity for heads of key public middle schools to maximise profits?One way they do so is to employ foreign teachers,of course whites preferred,to teach BIG classes of gullible pupils so-called oral English.This side of EFL in China is ballooning at present!
On another note,I'm very glad you'll be back here soon.As an experienced FT,you are much needed here.So,I think you deserve tasty grub,first-class bedroom sports,and,most importantly,gallons of refreshing Chinese beer of high quality.Unlike some FT's here,you're no killjoy.

So if 'the boy' said it, it has to be true.......or does it?
Perhaps you will find the following rather interesting.

On the 17 Jan. 2009.he wrote
'I agree that 4000 to 5000 a month is crap pay,.......'


But the very day before he had written....

'Anyway, I really don't give a stuff about 4000-5000 a month, the visa is what is valueable.' ( Great English..lol )


18 March 2009 he wrote.....

If you have a fairly simple lifestyle in China, if you only eat Chinese food and use public transport, than you can live easily on 4000RMB.


But lets go back to 1 Nov. 2008 shall we?
'I agree that 4000 to 5000 a month is OK.......'


See any inconsistancies yet? No? How about this.....?

'I have never made 6000 a month by just teaching in China, had to have other options as well. I did make 6000 a month a few years back at a crap training cente in Wuhan, but they made teachers work for it.'


Getting the picture?

19 March 2009

'As for myself, I am happy to work for 4500 a month....


And finally this rather strange boast from the 18 March 2009

'I am negotiating with a uni in Hunan province right now, told them I want 4500 for no more than 18 hours a week....'


So he is negotiating for what he has descirbed as 'crap pay' to some, but ok to others. A wage that somedays he finds unacceptable but other days OK. Maybe it depends on which way the wind is blowing on any given day! ( I bet the uni in Hunan must LOVE him lol)
Can the readers of this board believe anything this 'hero' says?
There are other contradictory posts of his here, many of them, but I will leave it to you to look, find and digest them my dear 'Turino'

I can't see the connection between my reply to Silverboy's post,quoted first here,and your reply to said quote,quoted second here.That's because there isn't one!Turino.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Institutional Sex Offenses - Teachers Discussion -- Turino -- 2009-04-10
Re: Institutional Sex Offenses - Teachers Discussion -- joker -- 2009-04-10
Re: Institutional Sex Offenses - Teachers Discussion -- Turino -- 2009-04-11
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