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Turino - 2009-04-13

It just occurred to me that,for the benefit of newbies,it might well be worth mentioning a cunning ploy that a potential Chinese employer once used to tried to con me:
When asked if the standard contract,in both English and Chinese,is offered to FT's working for him,he answered in the affirmative.But when I asked to see a copy of one,I was told that he had run out of copies,but not to worry as he would obtain one from Beijing within ten days,soon after which it would be negotiated and counter-signed,as if it had been done just then.

Next I was asked to start teaching the following day,and not to worry about the contract.A week later he presented me with 'one' to sign.But there were three clauses that had been omitted,one about air fare reimbursement,another about the holiday travel allowance,and the other about the arbitration procedure re unresolvable disputes!

After informing him of the omissions,he said the wrong standard contract had been shown to me.I replied that there cannot be a right or a wrong one as there's only one!I told him to insert the three omitted clauses into the 'non-standard standard contract'I'd been presented with,so as to make it standard,and not to forget to assign numbers in order of magnitude to all of the clauses and sub-clauses,as was the case with the shortened version that had been presented to me!

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