Da Yan Jing - 2005-01-25
In response to Visa advice for China (Dos)

Well written, up to date, relevant and precise.

Very much appreciated.

I am the Assistant Director of an English school ( and their branches ). I recruit foreign teachers and handle all legal and visa processes. From my experiences of recruiting over 40 teachers and providing them all with valid working visas permits and working kitchen sinks your information is dead on. Kudos to you.

FYI: The Foreign Expert Card/Certificate/red book is not so much a visa but a permit. It is necessary only for school paperwork and you do not need to take it with you when you travel. It can only be applied for once you arrive in China and is not inclusive to your initial Z entry visa. It also does not comply with your green residence permit.

The Medical: From my experiences and information a medical done in your home country prior to arrival in China is not valid for a working visa - atleast not in Liaoning Province. You must have it done within 2 weeks of your arrival in China. ( the reasoning is that you could have contracted some hideous disease just after your medical at home and then brought it on the plane with you. Unless they test you in the airport it's not going to do much good or make any sort of difference, but you've been here for awhile- smile and nod and say "yes sir, may I have another?")

School Validity: Schools that are legally able to employ a foreigner will have a certificate stating so and will also have a reference number on the certificate. They will also have an official stamp from the government used for foreign documentation.

School holding passports: There is absolutely no reason that a school should hold your passport or other documents for more than 2 weeks ( maximum visa processing time ). They cannot hold your green card or foreign expert card. ( Those are your identification pieces in China, you will need them to pick up certain kinds of mail, get a bank account, get membership cards, buy plane tickets, show ID at train stations, get a hotel, etc. get a drivers licence and rent a car, etc.

Did you know that you can rent a car and get a valid drivers licence in China without an international driving licence? It's cheap and you don't have to speak Chinese ( you can actually bring a translator who can even just take the test for you! I shake my head. That's if you would be brave *or crazy* enough to drive here anyway)

Just a little more info,

Best of luck on the contract section!

Da Yan Jing

Messages In This Thread
Visa advice for China -- Dos -- 2005-01-22
Fantastic! -- Da Yan Jing -- 2005-01-25
Help -- Johan -- 2005-01-23
Re: Help - Star International in Changchun -- MiddleMan -- 2008-01-21
Get your Embassy on it! -- Da Yan Jing -- 2005-01-25
Green books -- Ryan W. -- 2005-01-23
Green books? -- Observer -- 2005-01-23
new green books -- Da Yan Jing -- 2005-01-25
Thanks! -- Dos -- 2005-01-25
long term visas -- Da Yan Jing -- 2005-01-25
Interesting... -- Dos -- 2005-01-28
long term visa -- bethanael -- 2005-01-28
Not that I'm aware of.. -- DOS -- 2005-01-23
Spot On! -- An Inquiring Mind -- 2005-01-22

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