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Jack Kanoi - 2005-01-28

Perhaps, the poster here is well-intentioned and maybe there are thousands, if not millions, like this one but I can say from experience that passports and colour of skin are certainly more important than ability or skills while hiring teachers...and getting more so with each passing semester.
Case in point - yours truly. Despite three years' teaching experience in China, a BA (Eng), publishing credits and hundreds of mails I can't find a teaching position.
All posts advertising openings, including those on this board, require 'native' teachers from the US/UK/Canada/Australia and so on.
The accent is on accent. No one seems to care that an accent is reflective of one's environment and that a 'phoney' accent souns awful.
No one seems to bother that English is spoken not only in the aforementioned countries but the world over and one learning the language must aim to 'communicate' with all who do, wherever they come from.
What use is English to a student from China who picks up 'American English' and later in life, travels to Bangladesh, for example, and cannot communicate at all with the people there because he has trained his mind to identify merely 'American English' as English and the rest as '****'.
Grow up people, remember there are thousands of bright young people manning call-centres in Bangalore and elsewhere in India and they take calls in English from callers around the globe, including US/UK/Canada/Australia and Ethiopia.
Now, that is learning!

Messages In This Thread
Passport is more important in China than an ESL University Diploma -- Richard -- 2005-01-27
Feel the pains as you non-native guys -- vikas verma -- 2005-02-05
yes, and they're missing out on a world of good teachers, it's retarded. -- The Wean -- 2005-01-28
Of course,the Chinese parents pay for this,right? -- John -- 2005-01-27
Right,they think that their children will learn our mother tongue----never for $500 !!!! -- ESL teacher -- 2005-01-27
Damn it your mother!Who cares about your mother?Sorry ! -- The Angry One -- 2005-01-27
But the Chinese students choose their ESL teachers-no matter their mother tongue or passport! -- Cninese student -- 2005-01-27
American is a Dialect -- jannz -- 2005-01-29
Passports and skin colour are all-important -- Jack Kanoi -- 2005-01-28
Not the Usual Countries -- ShortyRed -- 2005-02-08
Any leads? -- Jack Kanoi -- 2005-02-09
passport&color of skin -- bethanael -- 2005-01-28
English doesn't belong to one nation...not any more -- Jack Kanoi -- 2005-01-28
We don't car eabout your passport or mother tongue! -- Another Chinese student -- 2005-01-27
Stop it! Dear colleagues,never mention your mother tongue or your pasport! -- ESL Foreign Qualified and Experienced Teacher -- 2005-01-27
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