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wordperfect - 2009-05-24


Date: Friday, 22 May 2009, 5:30 pm
In Response To: Re: Look out for Angel Holy - an agent in Hubei. Another crook: Nemo eslabroad@yahoo.cn (Silverboy)

I don't often post or comment much on BBS, but just recently I was talking with SAFEA which used to be SBFE, the China Gvt body that regulates foreign English teachers.
I should also add a disclaimer I guess, that I have a business in China and often move in some higher official circles.

One of the topics being discussed was the legality [or otherwise] of Native English Teachers in China.

It gave rise to questions re the legality of schools, it came as no surprise to hear that most of the kindergartens and "Training Centers" in China are illegal, in that not only do they not have permssion to employ foreign teachers, but neither are they registred as a teaching institute.

But what was surprising was the directors estimate that over 70% of the PUBLIC schools, such as primary, middle, high and universities in China are NOT sanctioned to employ foreigners.

I just assumed that as they were State schools they all did, maybe like many of you reading.

So to offfer a suggestion why some universites etc use recruiters.

Probably you know that "strictly" speaking to work in China as an ELT requires a BA, a recognised CELTA or teaching certificate, 2 years out of China teaching experience, and be a National of the 5 main English speaking countries, anything less is illegal.

Of course we know that a huge % of ELT's do not meet these requirements and can be hired at lower rates which makes them economically attractive even if not academically.

After all, in China, the aim is to make money, not teach English.

Using a recruiter helps maybe to "dodge" respnsibility for hiring non legal teachers, if things go wrong or they get audidted they can blame the recruiter who is, as we all know, going to disappear when things get too hot.

I also know a few cases where the ELT is not technically "hired" by the uni, [although she thinks she is] but is in fact subbed out by the recruiter for a monthly cut of the ELT's salary.

This again covers the school, technically they have NOT "hired" the teacher so are within the law.

As for English Corners [a joke] and other "extra duties" that are slipt in, well, they know that you are not going to complain as chances are you are not legal anyway.
I have actually had Chinese FOA and HOD's tell me this.

To digress, the term LAOSHI in China is, as you know, one of respect, and it irks many Chinese to have to call some totally unqualified, rude, arrogant foreigner Laoshi when in reality they look down on him. Of course they won't say it to your face but find other ways to "put you in your place."

Just quickly, another aspect, salary. I came here in 2000 and was paid 4k at a "legal" university, I see today the salaries have not changed despite the COL increase in China.

I remember some time ago asking a FAO friend why she had a low salary, her answer was straight and blunt, "most of the foreigners in China are the bottom of the barrel, they can't find work in higher requirement countries so they have very little choice."

At the time I disagreed but today, having worked "the other side" for a long time I am more and more inclined to thing she might have been right.


Messages In This Thread
[Moved by Admin from the Scam Alerts board] Most schools are "illegal" -- wordperfect -- 2009-05-24
Re: Most schools are "illegal" -- Jayvin -- 2009-05-29
Re: Most schools are "illegal" -- Turino -- 2009-05-29
Re: Most schools are "illegal" -- Jayvin -- 2009-05-29
Re: Most schools are "illegal" -- Turino -- 2009-05-30
Re: Most schools are "illegal" -- Jayvin -- 2009-05-30
Re: Most schools are "illegal" -- Turino -- 2009-05-30
Re: Most schools are "illegal" -- Breconian -- 2009-05-30
Re: Most schools are "illegal" -- Watching -- 2009-06-02
Re: Most schools are "illegal" -- eflfree -- 2009-06-01
Re: Most schools are "illegal" -- Jayvin -- 2009-05-31
Re: Most schools are "illegal" -- Jayvin -- 2009-05-31
Re: Most schools are "illegal" -- eflfree -- 2009-06-01
Re: Most schools are "illegal" -- Jayvin -- 2009-06-02
Re: Most schools are "illegal" -- eflfree -- 2009-06-02
Re: Most schools are "illegal" -- Jayvin -- 2009-06-02
Re: Most schools are "illegal" -- eflfree -- 2009-06-02
Re: Most schools are "illegal" -- Jayvin -- 2009-06-02
Re: Most schools are "illegal" -- Jayvin -- 2009-05-30
Re: Most schools are "illegal" -- Turino -- 2009-05-24
Re: Most schools are "illegal" -- wordperfect -- 2009-05-24
Re: Most schools are "illegal" -- Turino -- 2009-05-24
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