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eflfree - 2009-05-26

Okay, no problem; we'll agree to disagree on that particular subject. However, as for your confrontational stance with the student, it would seem that you were not really accomplishing anything other than adding fuel to an already existing fire that should have been dealt with differently in the first place. I would encourage you to study second language acquisition theory and more specifically what Krashen has said about "Lowering the Affective Filter," as it will possibly give you more insight as to what prompted the young man to act in the manner you described. I suspect that the teacher in question had already created a learning environment that precipitated the attitude conveyed by the student's behavior. Surely, you can imagine a more appropriate way of dealing with said student than calling him out in front of his classmates. I'm not suggesting that he should be coddled; however, I'm sure you know that confrontation merely breeds additional confrontation, and I'm sure you're of an age where you can find the means to take a path that will ultimately lead to a harmonious classroom environment. Yeah, to you and others, that may sound a bit "la, la;" nevertheless..................

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Re: Losing Face? -- eflfree -- 2009-05-26
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