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eflfree - 2009-05-29
In response to Re: Most schools are "illegal" (EARTHLING)

Although your post doesn't make it clear as to which segment of the Chinese population you're referring to, Earthling, I partially agree with you. It's true, for example, that some recruiters use the same old song and dance routine about how local Chinese make far less than what the school would pay you. Of course they're not talking about shop owners, businessmen etc. What they're referring to is the lowliest of employees - usually uneducated young folks right out of senior school or those who have not even attended senior school. Recruiters and others also fail to mention that said workers aren't the major bread winners for the family. In some rare cases, yes, but not very often.

It's pretty easy to look around, though, and see that there is a degree of affluence here that most FTs can't match. True, there's a huge disparity in terms of income, but I think we can leave the 800 or so million agrarian based population out of the equation for the sake of this argument. The question, then, should really be one of equitable pay for what we bring to the table. That is, a well experienced and qualified teacher should not be treated as if he were an educated dolt that couldn't get a job elsewhere.

The other argument that is often brought up is the difference between what a Chinese teacher makes and what we make. I would agree that most Chinese teachers are underpaid, but that is hardly a justification for underpaying foreign teachers, especially when you take into consideration how much profit most schools are pulling in. Nor does that argument take into consideration that Chinese teachers generally do less work. Yeah, they spend more time on the premises, but we all know that a great deal of that time is spent on QQ or in some other non-work related past time. They are also given benefits that should be entered into the equation, such as help in buying homes and etc.

The simple fact is that FTs are underpaid. Making comparisons to the Chinese workforce just doesn't cut it. Some FTs in this board are fond of pointing out the low cost of living in China. (As a slight digression, it might be worthwhile to add that FTs in Vietnam are usually paid considerably more than their counterparts in China.)Okay, I can save money every month, but I'm making more than the average FT. There's absolutely no way I would consider working for what others consider a fair enough wage. Anything less than 7,000 kwai plus flight reimbursement is totally out of the question. I save money by not taking taxis (I ride my bike) and staying out of bars and expensive restaurants. In short, I live a fairly frugal lifestyle. But when I look at the amount of work I do, on the school premises and off, I definitely feel short changed and I won't be putting up with it for much longer.

Good post, earthling. Thanks for your perspective on this issue that I for one believe needs to be examined more closely.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Most schools are "illegal" -- EARTHLING -- 2009-05-27
Re: Most schools are "illegal" -- eflfree -- 2009-05-29
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