View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re: With 65 I look much better than at the age of 20!
Turino - 2009-06-03

I have a good suggestion - you should try what I also perhaps should do: Take a bit of shoe cream and put it there where your hair was before. Then, you will look like an "exotic" punk, and off you go! You will be very popular indeed then.....lol.
Life is sometimes a bit like Rock n Roll.........rock, Baby, rock......

I daren't make myself attractive to young Chinese TA ladies,beautiful or otherwise.If my Chinese wife were to cotton on to what I was doing,she'd make my life a living hell;but you're unattached,except for your crocs.So long as you provide them with big chunks of meat,they won't mind what you try to do in the courting and dating department.That said,unfortunately,meat has increased in price substantially here in the last few years.A problem will arise if there's no money left after you buy their meat.If you can't make ends meet,no Chinese lady can love you.So,you'll have to skimp on your crocs' food.Not to be recommended because at last they will be forced to eat you and your China doll up to appease their hunger!So you see,my jealous wife would be my problem;your problem would be your hungry crocs.Best for us to face reality and not allow ourselves be tempted by the good looks of some members of the opposite sex.However,in contrast,young male louwai who are unattached can court stunners without the kind of disastrous repercussions that we would have to face!

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Re: With 65 I look much better than at the age of 20! -- Turino -- 2009-06-03
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