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Chunping Alex Wu - 2005-01-30
In response to DON'T TEACH IN CHINA (allana)

Dear Allana:
Sorry to hear from you about what happened to you. I have settled in Canada but I was born there.
China is still a very poor country all over. After your long stay and seen those downtown sections, you must have also seen the suburbs, the countrysides. Due to the long anti-Jap war, the civil war, and the long blockage by the US, people suffered over a whole century. Not only the national construction,industry,economics, transportation, but also in education. When you went to the scenic places, you see most of the people are still poorly clad. Most of the people away from the big cities were poorly, or not, educated. And that's why "Foreign" teachers are invitated and welcomed to China. You are one of the ambassadors from those developed countries whom we would rather to wear old, mended pants to spend so much money (though it's still not much comparing to your standard of living) for your teaching, preaching and advice in order to keep up with the up-to-date to the global behavioral standards. Please forgive my people for those wrong doings, at the same time, please tell them, and demonstrate to them the correct way.You might be a minority, but the students you are teaching might, most part, be their teachers, and they'll learn indirectly from you. Please be patient and give them some time.

Messages In This Thread
DON'T TEACH IN CHINA -- allana -- 2005-01-20
Please do come back to China again! -- Chunping Alex Wu -- 2005-01-30
Bravo -- An Inquiring Mind -- 2005-01-30
Don't forget.. -- ferpectly right -- 2005-01-20
Look to thine own weaknesses, thou knave! -- The Arrogant One -- 2005-01-27
And... -- XXX -- 2005-01-20
not china -- duh -- 2005-01-20
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