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Turino - 2009-06-20

As for Westerners with fake degrees in China, I suppose that's because so many Chinese people have fake degrees, or real degrees that they did not earn, then many foreigners will see nothing wrong with using a fake degree either.

Agreed,Silverboy.But degrees are not the only professional documents subject to a forger's art.Job references can be easily forged too.They are composed by employers and handed to FT's at the end of their teaching contracts.
As Adobe Photoshop software and color printers/photocopiers are readily accessible here in China,forging and tampering with job references can be effected cheaply and easily.Chinese proprietors of small office premises usually without web access are skilled at forging Chinese documentation.
I recall a fellow FT of mine who overimbibed regularly,and then tgended to quarrel with her Chinese colleagues,show me her forged teaching report.Seemingly,a Chinese keyboard operator was able to delete a sentence about her excessive drinking,and make the red Chinese college stamp reappear like magic on the 'new' version of the teacher's report.If I remember correctly,it cost her just 20 Yuan.The removal of said sentence ensured she was able to get a new teaching job easily.I reckon she could have written her own teaching report,had she been so minded.But I remember her for her good looks rather than for her minor forgery.However,her taste for Chinese liquor was off-putting,so I made no attempts to court her.

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Re: Follow-up on Job Offer from Jilin Huaqiao FLI -- Turino -- 2009-06-20
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