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Prof.Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau - 2009-06-21

It's not about the president whether he is a doctorate degree holder or not. Again, it only depends on if he is trust worthy to be the president of an organizational(not regular with buildings) university and helpful or give support to the organization. The most important thing is that he should be able to understand educational issues such as what a heuristic education system is all about, how an autonomous learner at heuristic research organizational institution's achievements can be approved as equally or higher than as what accredited university graduates can achieve. We like non-accreditation better for our university and believe in individual's qualification accreditation only. This is the first thing to consider when choosing the president of organizational university. As long as you can't understand, don't have the knowledge of understanding, or have always negative view points on what this type of University does, it's not worth to talk about modern heuristic education system. It's going to be like keeping a ruby or sapphire right the front of a pig. We don't force you to believe in what we are trying to say but want you to let you know that we are in the right and best educational path.

Unless you register for a MA course or PhD course, there's no point in hiring a well-qualified professor for you. No university will do that in this Cosmos. Make the payment first and prove yourself that you are qualified to do the course of Cosmos International University instead of saying some bad things and making some distrustful matters. The syllabus and course materials will be started designing according to what you want to do after you graduate from the university. You should also pass oral interview as well. Our requirement for admission has a lot more to say than showing your TOEFL and IELTS scores. You should know about it. We don't issue any fake certificate as you might think. Your name should also be in our data first. Nothing is free of charge. We paid the price to start this kind of university. We don't seek your recognition either, if you don't want to and don't even care about how the US think or Myanmar government think. We are not politicians and don't want to involve in that either. And we deserve respect as you do the same. You're not superior to us as we aren't though you may be a lawyer or ruler as far as education is concern. We dont' even want your comment either if you don't want to. We go on with our own education to survive in this world as you do your own business. We don't invite you to evaluate how we do things at Cosmos International University and post your notion in this forum but rather seek sponteneous cooperation and collaboration as we mentioned in the webpage. If you don't, we don't beg you. We don't even think of you are more important though you maybe from the US or any other countries of the world. We believe that we all are human being and allowed to live with peace and harmony somewhere in this world. As a human being who deserves getting a job of my choice related to what I majored in, I am resposible to look for my job and someone who has money is responsible for hiring me. That's all.

It's upto us whether we want to have a training center, school, room teaching, one to one or large class teaching for earning money to live wherever we are( not only in China) as long as it is teaching English because of my specialized field of research. And no one in the world, including you should not spoil us or make judgement because we are not your slave, and we live by what we can do to earn money. Even though someone may hire me, I still have the freedom to do whatever I can for the benefit of my self, family, community, education and my people in my spare time. I think you will understand a bit by now. Think twice before you post anything.

But we like you and appreciate your comments in this forum regardless of how you think about Cosmos International University. We respect our graduates as much as you do to Harvard, Oxford or any other well known university graduates. Because we deserve it.

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Re: Cosmos International University -- Prof.Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau -- 2009-06-21
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