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znarf akfak - 2009-06-26

If I had felt your post, the one previous to this one which I'm reluctantly responding to, had been worthy of a response, I would have done so.

"This is an internet forum, everything is in written form, hence there is no "loudest" man."

I was speaking metaphorically (writing metaphorically - if that's what makes you happy). Look at it this way: If I remark that a painting's colors are way too loud for my taste, does that mean I'm suggesting that the painting is capable of speech? Well, anyway, I was referring to those who write the most abrasively and abusively.

Suggesting that I'm asking for censorship is a rather huge stretch of the imagination. If I'm asking for anything, it is that some people (if the shoe fits, wear it) make an effort to tone it down a little bit as an effort to show their professionalism or as an indication of their education. It's possible that by doing so the "wisdom" or experience they wish to share with others may be more credible to others. However, if you're not concerned with how we conduct ourselves in this forum and how we represent our profession, feel free to be as crass as you'd like. In fact, I wouldn't consider your posts as necessarily too overly abrasive; perhaps a bit too accusative, but, hey, if that's how you wish to present yourself, go right ahead.

"The rest is just clever words to distract and confuse, nothing more."

I'm not trying to be clever. Nor am I trying to distract and confuse. What could I possibly stand to gain by doing so? No, just making a few remarks that you can either accept or not accept. It's your choice. Whether you do or don't won't alter the flow of my life in the slightest.

Thirty miles an hour all the way.

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Re: metamorphosis -- znarf akfak -- 2009-06-26
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