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vikas verma - 2005-02-05

Hello guys and girls. dear beloved people who are striving to find jobs here and there in china. We dont have a white skin and are not native and so we face racisim in this country. I am proud to say that I have discovered a racist country meaning which i always used to ask my dad when i was learning history and how he could not explain it better. I learnt it here. I think thats something to do with chinese mind set. Or i would say the government plannings. I would say government has opened a small window for all these billions of people through which if you peep, you would only see western culture. Secondly the people here dont' give a shit to what happens in other countries. With this jingoism going all year and among all chinese that china is the best, chinese people are very good, and chinese food is very good, to me frankly it all sounds so stupid and strongly feel regretful for them.

How blind these people are, I mean not one or two here, almost millions of people in china seem to have smiliar mentalities. no one seems different. My own wife who is chinese is proud of chinese music. She thinks Chinese music is the next best after English music. However i remember I never had this feeling all 26 years of my living in india that indian music is the best. I always thought that there is something which we are missing.

I know this letter might seem long from me but this is a 0.1 percent of the total story. anyways i will end here and pray and hope that some day story might change.

Messages In This Thread
Passport is more important in China than an ESL University Diploma -- Richard -- 2005-01-27
Feel the pains as you non-native guys -- vikas verma -- 2005-02-05
yes, and they're missing out on a world of good teachers, it's retarded. -- The Wean -- 2005-01-28
Of course,the Chinese parents pay for this,right? -- John -- 2005-01-27
Right,they think that their children will learn our mother tongue----never for $500 !!!! -- ESL teacher -- 2005-01-27
Damn it your mother!Who cares about your mother?Sorry ! -- The Angry One -- 2005-01-27
But the Chinese students choose their ESL teachers-no matter their mother tongue or passport! -- Cninese student -- 2005-01-27
American is a Dialect -- jannz -- 2005-01-29
Passports and skin colour are all-important -- Jack Kanoi -- 2005-01-28
Not the Usual Countries -- ShortyRed -- 2005-02-08
Any leads? -- Jack Kanoi -- 2005-02-09
passport&color of skin -- bethanael -- 2005-01-28
English doesn't belong to one nation...not any more -- Jack Kanoi -- 2005-01-28
We don't car eabout your passport or mother tongue! -- Another Chinese student -- 2005-01-27
Stop it! Dear colleagues,never mention your mother tongue or your pasport! -- ESL Foreign Qualified and Experienced Teacher -- 2005-01-27
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