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Jake Hammond - 2005-02-07
In response to KNES (wyn)

I also hear that some other new staff ran off with the schools money which was entrusted to them to purchase books from the UK for secondary students at KNES. When asked to leave, they burned out their gas oven and looked as though they were aiming to blow up the teacher's appartments. Nice one. There was a pregnant young lady living next door. It also seems that these miscreants have conned yet another school and are still in Kuwait hanging aroungd the KNES carpark trying to persuade students to follow them...to gaol methinks! Go home ...wherever that is!
I am sailing! I am sailing!
Blow me away aye...

What goes around blows around.

Messages In This Thread
Kuwait National English School -- CB -- 2004-12-06
Re: Kuwait National English School -- Christopher -- 2008-02-27
Kuwait National English School -- Poppy Parkes -- 2005-02-07
Think Twice (If its a good offer....) -- A Suffering Student -- 2005-01-16
kuwait national english school -- buffy the vampire slayer -- 2005-01-09
Kuwait National English School -- Susan -- 2004-12-22
KNES -- Fred Flintstone -- 2005-01-08
Great school Link -- anthony -- 2005-01-22
KNES -- wyn -- 2005-02-06
Give KNES a break! -- Jake Hammond -- 2005-02-07
knes good or bad -- previous teacher -- 2005-02-12
KNES? - Teachers Discussion -- Arabian Knight -- 2007-04-02
Re KNES? - Teachers Discussion -- lerc -- 2011-02-16
realy funy -- knes -- 2005-02-07
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