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paul - 2009-07-06

I would like to ask peoples opinion on the following...
I have had a very bad experience with my former employer in China. Basically we were misinformed via the adverts that they have on the internet, and also verbally. Over the period I worked for them ,many things cropped up which were not as they were supposed to be. Holiday periods were grossly inaccurate, promises of additional work during this period never cam into fruition, and so on and so on.
After deciding to move on, I ran into issues obtaining the correct documents and paperwork to be able to get a new work permit, I had had enough. I had read many reviews since coming here regarding other similar bad employers, and felt that I should make people aware of the experience I had with this one.
I wrote a review, sticking to the facts, and outlining the misinformation they used and what the actual situation is, the real holiday period lengths, the fact there was no work during this period, the fact I was not given the hours I was promised in the first place and so on.
Now, the company is threatening to sue me for libel, can they actually do this ??? Nothing I have stated was based on speculation. I feel that when a company is treating its staff in this manner, people informing others of the truth of the situation is above board and there is nothing wrong with that. But obviously I am still concerned about their threats. I feel they are probably making idle threats, and are just trying to rattle their sabre in the hope that fear may prompt the removal of such bad reviews, but nevertheless, I still have a twist in my gut over this situation. Why should a person be threatened and forced into silence after being treated like something someone has just stepped in on the pavement.

Messages In This Thread
Negative School Review Feedback -- paul -- 2009-07-06
Re: Negative School Review Feedback -- Dragonized -- 2009-07-07
Re: Negative School Review Feedback -- HireEd -- 2009-07-06
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