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Professor Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau - 2009-07-13

There is no existing law for Cosmos International University in particular. You may even study the stone law or any existing law in China or other country, I would also say naivety to you because I have my own freedom and have the right to educated myself. So, if you are going to bother about my professorship and doctorate degrees from Cosmos International University, I or we will also do the same or thousand times greater punishment to you than how you want to treat me or others as long as self-education is concern. Because I don't depend on you in any matter whether it is for financing my education, making a living, or any other way. You seems to be a linguist and can't understand what I am trying to say so far.

You are challenged at any time you want and in any court you like for any case. As a professor and doctorate degree holder of Cosmos International University, I am ready to face whatever you are trying to do against my education, professorship and degrees. I will be very happy to see you in such situation in the future if you love to do so. You can even do it right now in China where the communist party is ruling because I am in China. If you want, I will give you my address at any time you want. Even in England where, I guess, you have been educated in the past and even in Myanmar, you are welcome to do whatever you want. You will reap as you sow any way.

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Re: Reply to Mr. Ngin Sian Pau -- Professor Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau -- 2009-07-13
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