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Migrant Worker - 2009-07-18

Greeting fellow FTs and other observers,

I saw a post on why foreign teachers are normally divided rather than united, when they venture to China. As another poster stated, China is group oriented and Westerners are self-serving individuals. Not all foreigners are like this, in smaller places they tend to stick together in tight groups, but even then it seems in an effort to serve themselves rather than genuine friendship. What is genuine friendship anyways, who knows? In China, friendship usually includes what another person can potentially do for you in the future. Guanxi, is the name of the game in China.

I believe there is more to it than Westerners just being "individuals". I love psychology and it is part of the reason why I have come to China. I have a fine-tuned sense to read people, and I believe there are many possible reasons for this division in expats. Some times to the best way to see your own country and people is to see it through other people's eyes.

Here are a few more of my theories for this:

1) I thought I was special - Yes, a foreigner comes to China and in some places they are treated like a celebrity. Am I wrong? For some people this is the attention they crave, but couldn't get back home. The introduction to a new foreigner in their "territory" creates a threat for them, as they realize they may have to share the "fame", or may even lose it entirely. The realization that they are just another foreigner leaves a bad taste in their mouths. This area can include foreigners that think they are superior to other foreigners and somehow China belongs to them more than you.

2) You remind me of me someone - Many foreigners came to China to escape a problem or issue they had back home. They saw the chance of a new life among strangers and a chance to erase their past. Seeing other foreigners who have a better psychological ability to read Westerners than Chinese can remind them of the person they were. They fear that you may find out something about them, they wish to remain hidden. Being around you makes them simply remember.

3) That's not the life for me - In many cases, foreigners come to China for an adventure (especially younger foreigners). I am one of them but I do not share their lifestyle. They are interested in clubs, booze, smokes and girls. They came to China to party and this cause easily cause a separation in expats and even hostility as one FT may think the party animal FT is representing them (FTs) badly.

4) Just plain bad - Some foreign teachers come here and DO represent foreigners VERY badly. They force sexual acts upon students, they do or sell drugs and treat the Chinese people like they are scum. They basically came to China to feel superior and be treated superior to their own country (in which they probably ended up in jail). I bet you have all met at least one FT like this, and just didn't want to support or back them at all. Probably wanted them deported.

5) I need to find myself - I know some of these reasons are somewhat overlapped but still quite different. These are the FTs that have ventured to China not to escape themselves, or because they had problems, but because there is a sense of Chinese psychology and culture that appeals to them. Something they are missing in their own culture or home that the feel a strong desire to experience. Maybe it's the innocence of the villagers or the beauty of the farmers and they plow away as they have for thousands of years. These foreigners may just be interested in finding a part of them that is missing or experience something on their own and are usually running around alone. I bet you have seen a few like this too, wandering around seemingly lost.

These five areas, I believe make up a huge percentage of the expat community in China. I would be willing to say 75-85% of all FTs somehow fit into one of these theories and that's why we all are seemingly divided. I will admit that I am reason 5, for why I am in China. It's hard to be united when we are all self-serving, but we all came here to do, what we came here to do.

Messages In This Thread
Theory on the Division of Expats in China -- Migrant Worker -- 2009-07-18
Re: Theory on the Division of Expats in China -- Wu Yulu is my Dad -- 2009-07-18
Re: Theory on the Division of Expats in China -- HireEd -- 2009-07-19
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