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Yingwen Laoshi, - 2009-07-28

Yes, you're correct; a lot of my points could have been explained a lot better. Even I can see more holes than a sieve in my post. I'm not sure what I was thinking about, before I pressed the post buttton. I still believe that I had some valid points, though. Let me try to explain them better.

Because some Africans lie on their resume, Meipang feels justified in not considering anybody at all from the huge continent of Africa. That is unjustified, over-reactive and prejudiced. Using that reasoning, because some white teachers also lie on their resumes, he shouldn't employ any white teachers either. Also, the fact that many Africans speak with a "heavy accent" does not justify excluding all. There is no reason not to consider those Africans who have good pronunciation.

Meipang may be correct in stating that some Africans are" sleazy" but, again this does not justify him not employing African English teachers in his school. Some, Africans being told to leave China does not mean that they should all be excluded from teaching English here. What has that got to do with the employment of African English teachers? Again, using that reasoning, all white teachers should not be considered for teaching positions in China, because some "sleazy" whites were also told to leave China.

By the way if you check your dictionary, Choatle, you will find that "Behaviour" is the British spelling of "Behavior". I do get these rushes of blood sometimes, where I rebel against pervasive American culture. I often used to enter a McDonalds in England and make a point of asking for a Big Mac and "Chips". Ok, I'm only joking with you! Joking means "kidding" by the way.

The fact that Africans are not native speakers should not automatically exclude all of them either, because a lot of them have a good standard of English and as I said earlier some of them do have good pronunciation. I made the point of black teachers, because the original poster mentioned black teachers. Anyway, I do concede that I was wandering from Meipang's point about African teachers.

Yes, my "unqualified" point was flawed, and yes his "handed lemons" point was valid, too. I think he should try to understand why some Africans lie about their country of origin, though. If I was an African, in China, facing the amount of prejudice that they often face, then I would be seriously tempted to lie, too. I don't think that it's justified, but it's understandable.

What I meant is, every country is racist in the sense that prejudice and the practice of racism exists in every country. It's unjustified and I hate it as much as the next person. Unfortunately, it is a part of human nature and is woven into the fabric of every country's society.

Choatle, your 80% point is ridiculous! First of all who stated that 80% of a population must behave in a certain way to a certain group of people before it can be called racist, and how do you know what percentages of people from different countries are racist? Have you undertaken any surveys? You're making up your own flawed criteria.

You missed the point of my post. It wasn't about being "pro China", I'm not even sure what you mean by that, anyway. My post was about African teachers in China.

Just because Africans are not native speakers, and some get involved in shady practices, lie on their resumes and have poor English pronunciation, it doesn't follow that every single person from that continent should be excluded from the opportunity of teaching English in China. Meipang's view on this is bigoted, unreasonable and prejudiced.

Sorry "Jury", there was no case to sit on, after all.

Messages In This Thread
To the "Jury" -- Yingwen Laoshi, -- 2009-07-28
Re: To the "Jury" -- meipang -- 2009-07-29
Re: To the "Jury" -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2009-07-30
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