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WOLF TOTEM - 2009-08-02

Cultural sensitivity is a two way street, but it seems, to me, many Chinese only walk one way. We FT's must be 'sensitive' but they can do as they please. But thats the Chinese culture so we have to accept it? BS !

NO. Cultural sensitivity is NOT a two way street. YOU are the interloper. International social etiquette requires that YOU bear the burden of informing and educating yourself about the customs and culture of your host. It's this simple.

Racist, arrogant, selfish, ignorant people populate this country and are positively encouraged by many here. Both Chinese and non Chinese.

As Nixon said, 'let me say this about that' - Nearly every example cited by you involves education, or lack thereof. Surely, you do not equate a Chinese education, even a college education if obtained within China, by an individual who has never left his country, to a Western education. High school students in the West, in my opinion, are much more sophisticated than most Chinese, even those who possess a sheepskin. A Western education is vastly superior, in terms of 'worldliness' and an ability to function within that world, to a Chinese education. Anyone in America or Western Europe comes in contact with, almost on a daily basis, persons uniquely different from themselves, individuals of different colors, educational backgrounds, etc.....they sit next to them in school, eat with them in the company cafeteria, etc... One cannot compare the two - apples and oranges.

Again, refer to OP, your attitude, in light of reasonable explanations to the reasons for such behavior reeks of white superiority. A superior attitude instilled in you by decades of inaccurate and misleading information; force fed to you by the western media.

Until you are able to face your own shortcomings; you will always view Chinese as inferior.

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