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wolf - 2009-08-03

I don't think it is a secret that the WEST has come up with every viable component of technology during the last 300 years, or so....that is just point number one, reflecting on who has a more viable education system and standard.

Some say, scholars no less, that China was in a period of dormancy during this three hundred years period of absence from technological advancement. This is often the case, even in the West. In fact, again, many scholars contend that there would have been no Renaissance in Europe - Europe had been intellectually dead for several hundred years - had Marco Polo not spent several years in the court of the Great Khan and then returned to Europe with the knowledge that he gained here. Polo, and others that followed him, jump started, if you will, a brain dead western world.. Not until the new ideas from China were introduced into the West did Europe begin a transition from feudal society to a more enlightened way of thinking and begin a new period of life. The beginning of a new world.

In addition, the Chinese have really done NOTHING but copy/steal what has been developed in the West (and Japan), in terms of global technology.

Others would say 'improve upon existing knowledge' or 'imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.'

Furthermore........the Chinese (along with Koreans) are NTO to be trusted. They don't have any idea what integrity is, much less have a clue about how to develope strong, honest relationships.

I believe this is the key to your post. You fear Asians generally, and the Chinese specifically. I think we are back at square one - Whiteness, and all its inherent and clandestine evils. Obviously, here I must add a disclaimer or I will be labeled, yet again, as a Chinese 'wannabe' or worse; All whites are not bad. There, happy...?.

Finally...........if people would actually STOP going places like China and Korea (and now Taiwan) to teach English, they might get the hint. Does it occur to anyone here that these people are not interested in English for the sake of "learning a language", but to learn about the culture, history and weaknesses of the West.

Are you still here or have you taken your own advice and returned home?

Did anyone read "The Art of War"?

Now we arrive at the root cause of your psychosis. - Sun Tzu - you find his work to be the quintessential word on the Chinese character and contains the essence of Chinesesness.

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