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Daniel Tadd - 2009-08-08

""!!!!I would have to say you are very youn g and have had few jobs, and they must have been real crap.""

Yes I am young, 28 and the other jobs were quite crap

""!!!!OH I am quite sure you are speaking for the school, as you just said you are, Freudian slip there Daniel""

Hehe, it took me a while to see what you meant, but I finally caught on! Nothing Freudian about it, no hidden meanings, no symbolism, metaphors, hints, puns, irony, sarcasm, etc... just my humble point of view. Nobody set me up to do this .... honest... *Pats the wad of cash in his pocket*

""!!!!That is not a heft bonus, especially in Shanghai. As for diligence being rewarded, could you be more vague? Unlikely""

I can be more vague, really, I've done it before. Once I was so vague I startled somebody and left them with a mild expression of 'withdrawn misunderstood enlightenment' it's a difficult expression to master, I'll give you that! Diligence being rewarded.... rewarded for being diligent... I didn't know my points were going to be so analysed. You should warn me next time so I can try to prepare more structured points for you to scrutinise. But, off the cuff... Diligence is that thing, where people work real hard with a healthy dose of initiative, common sense and eagerness. Said people are often rewarded with bountious amounts of gold, silver or RMB.

""!!!!There is no hiccup with your visa that would require you to go to Hong Kong, this means you had an L or F visa, that is the only reason you would have to leave China itself, trust me I know. Some great place, yeah. They wanted this hiccup believe me, now they don't have to pay for your passport. Say bye bye to that 5,000 RMB bonus baby.""

I'm not a baby

""!!!!You use that many markers in 3-4 days? Either the markers you use are crap, you have too many classes to teach, or you write way too much on the board, which doesn't speak well of you and your "skill" as a teacher. Whatever the case, doesn't impress me.""

That's a little below the belt. There is no need to get personal and I really hope you don't feel I was in any way comparing how good I am, boasting, bragging etc. Nor had I attempted to enrage you, so that you would pick apart my post with a 2-by-4 with a nail on the end and insult me.
Nevertheless, I apologise if I made you aggitated in any way. I guess it feels good to let out some of the steam on what would appear to be "a patriot" of NDI. I assure you I'm not. Take a chill pill dude.

""!!!!Good for you, you like working in the trenches, literally, however NDI has so many complaints, far more than it does compliments, that you are wasting your time I think.""

I'm happy. That's all that matters.

""!!!!Ok now this is starting to sound like coached, rehearsed crap, like you would hear in a commercial""

*Reasurringly pats the wad of cash in his pocket again*

I think we can safely say: we agree to disagree.
If you're going to reply to this message, could you use a screwdriver instead? It leaves smaller scars, also go easy on the insults and condesending remarks, I'm small and sensitive to internet banter...


Daniel Tadd

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Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Daniel Tadd -- 2009-08-08
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