View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Working visa requirements for working in TAIWAN
Christopher Leed - 2009-08-10

Can a non native speaker (Dutch) who is totally fluent and speaks, understands, reads and writes perfectly and without accent gain a teaching English position in Taiwan.

My girlfriend and I are searching for teaching positions. We are currently in Japan but the market is slow here so we are considering alternatives. We know China is a possibility, and we are pretty certain South Korea is not as it is a requirement by law to be a NATIVE (USA, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand etc) to get a working visa to teach English.

However we are unsure about Taiwan, both in terms of law and also if it is strongly required by employers.

We are both graduates, I am Native speaker, my girlfriend is 100% fluent, both CELTA qualified, lived and worked in London for international firms and are immediately available for work.

If anyone has any helpful insights on Taiwan.....as well as if anyone has alternative information on South Korea or China it would be appreciated.

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Working visa requirements for working in TAIWAN -- Christopher Leed -- 2009-08-10
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