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eslguy - 2009-08-12

Reason number 2:

Anyone recall the immigration building fire, in Yeosu back in 2007?

I remember it. Though, it was swept under the rug, despite the deaths of muliple migrant workers.

Koreans don't view migrant workers, citizens from other Asian countries, or anyone that is non Korean as an equal. Why? I honestly don't know. It is not like Korea has contritubed anything to the modern world, other then a defense bill for the citizens of the United States.

AND..........guess what folks. To them, you are not teachers. You are migrant workers.
Do you wonder why sooooooo many hogwans get away with abusing, cheating and sometimes sexually abusing the foreign staff (and Korean staff as well)? Are you curious as to why the public schools are not the save haven they once where? Are you wondering why contracts are not honored?

BECUASE THE SYSTEM IS SET UP THAT WAY!!! Or sure, once in a while a teacher will prevail over an employer........once in a great while.

Is it not surprising that Korea will not allow an official union E.S.L. teachers?

Guys..........don't teach in Korea.


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