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Hangzhou Teacher - 2005-02-14

This is answer to Whiteman's very astute observations.

Nonetheless, perhaps it a blessing in disguise so to speak.

Both of the employers that he mentions as "white-only" are extremely problematic employers and a search of the Web and of www.englischoolwatch.org would turn up a entire list of complaints about Rewi, in any case. There have been also numerous about the second.

Let it pass -- there are still many, many decent jobs in ESL in China. I should know -- I had two terrible ones, and now a third very nice one. Many China veterns have had the same experience. But then again, I had the same experience in Canada. Jobs are like marriages -- not all work and many end in divorce.

Messages In This Thread
Racism and ESL teaching in China. Would you still apply? -- Whiteman -- 2005-02-14
Racism in China, Etc. -- Hangzhou Teacher -- 2005-02-14
Racism in China - Do foreigners bring this upon themselves? -- An Inquiring Mind -- 2005-02-15
There is Racism in ... -- An Inquiring Mind -- 2005-02-15
The "Laowai", Racism and Personal Space in China -- An Inquiring Mind -- 2005-02-15
What's wrong, Laowai? -- Chunping Alex Wu -- 2005-02-16
Response -- Mic -- 2005-02-18
Laowai does not mean anything bad in a friendly way -- Alex Wu -- 2005-02-19
Yes Mic... -- Chinaman -- 2005-02-18
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