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ANET - 2009-08-21

I stumbled across the following article. It appeared in the Chosum Ilbo (Korean newspaper) and was then posted on Marmot's Hole-Korea in Blog format.
It is reminiscent of complaints I heard from young female teachers Ulsan. F.Y.I.

""Victimized Foreign Women in Blind Spot: Newsis
by Robert Koehler on July 23, 2009
in Ministry of Barbarian Affairs

Newsis (via the Chosun Ilbo) reports that a foreign English teacher is Ulsan was sexually assaulted by a male neighbor in her apartment.

To make matters worse, however, she claims police were rather lukewarm in their processing of the case. Due to the trauma she suffered, she if afraid to even go out.

The problem, it seems, is that cases of sexual assaults on foreign women often end without punishment. The assaulted woman said a female teacher had been sexually assaulted by a foreign laborers in Ulsan a few years ago, too. The perp was caught, but not punished.

She said police are telling her that she neednt remain in Korea for the case to finish. Why she should have to leave Korea for the case to end, she doesnt know, and shes afraid the case will come to naught.

Her foreign collegues say there are frequent sexual assaults on foreign women. Perps take advantage of the fact that they are in Korea illegally or cannot adjust to life in Korea.

According to piolice, the teacher a 23-year-old South African was assaulted by her neighbor, a Mr. B, on the morning of July 8. Her coworker reported the assault to the police, who collected evidence and caught Mr. B five days later.

After questioning, Mr. B confessed to his crime. He reportedly said he would pay the teacher sufficient compensation and asked that the victim leave the country (!).

The teacher, however, wants her assaulter punished. At any rate, she plans to leave for home on July 25. She said she wants the man punished to sound a warning bell to Korean society, namely, that foreign women are caught in a blind spot where, because they are not Korean, they are not covered by the social safety net nor can they receive compensation for their losses.

Ulsan-area English teachers apparently met at a restaurant in Seongnam-dong to come up with measures, including a list of things for female teachers to watch out for and an emergency contact list.

Marmots Note: Im not a lawyer, of course, but I thought the decision whether to accept compensation or to press ahead with criminal charges was the decision of the victim, not the police. ""

Messages In This Thread
Look What I Found -- ANET -- 2009-08-21
Definite bias against expats -- Theo -- 2009-08-21
Re: Definite bias against expats -- ANET -- 2009-08-22
Re: Definite bias against expats -- Theo -- 2009-08-22
Re: Definite bias against expats -- ANET -- 2009-08-23
Re: Definite bias against expats -- Theo -- 2009-08-24
Re: Look What I Found -- Chengdu FT -- 2009-08-21
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