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Jessica - 2009-08-26

This spring I will earn a BA degree, and I have been looking forward to teaching English abroad for quite some time. I have taken a few college courses to prepare me for such and have been looking into earning the TEFL certification to broaden my options and strengthen my knowledge. My husband is a recent graduate who has pursued the same endeavors, and he's been waiting for me to finish so that we can teach together in another country.

We're a young married couple and last week I found out that I was pregnant, a surprise for both of us! I fear that having a new born baby will ruin our future plans. We were not planning on having a child for a few years---this certainly was an accident. Without getting into ideological beliefs and values, is it realistic to think that my husband and I will have the same opportunities we thought once possible?

Assuming I am up to the task of mothering (though not expecting such an overwhelming burden at this time in my life), will my husband and I be able to find jobs with a baby? Will motherhood tarnish my resume?

Beyond encouraging words of "if you want it, no matter what, you'll be able to achieve it," what uphill battle am I looking at?

Again, personal values aside, traveling abroad is our dream, not parenthood. Realistically, will I have to sacrifice one future for another? Anyone know of anyone whose done it? Ever heard of any stories?

Please, any insight would be most appreciated. Thank you so very much!


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