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ANET - 2009-08-30

Please BEWARE of Jay Lee & Sally of 2007giftedcamp at Gmail KAU & Sangmyung Univ -- Lucy -- 25 August 2009
Once again, BEWARE! VERY UNprofessional. Let me preface that if your expectations are doing a half arse job at teaching and or not caring that the camp DIRECTOR is NOT prepared with ANYTHING (ie ...

Re: Please BEWARE of Jay Lee & Sally of 2007giftedcamp at Gmail KAU & Sangmyung Univ -- ANET -- 29 August 2009
Sorry for the late reply. I have been busy. Nevertheless, I need to address Lucys postings. While in Ulsan, I was heavily criticized for my attempts, through the quasi-judicial and judicial system, ...

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