View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Laowai does not mean anything bad in a friendly way
Alex Wu - 2005-02-19
In response to Response (Mic)

Hi, Mic!
Laowai does not mean anything bad in a friendly way, if people were smiling. I don't think you saw anyone hold up his fist while saying. I suggested that you hold up your thumb. Most Chinese might not feel offended if you called them 'Chinaman', but as you knew, Chinaman has not been a 'friendly' way to name the Chinese, why you use it anyway?
If you don't feel like talking to them, just say nothing but a smile will do. Otherwise, you'll find lost of the Chinese you meet would like to brag something with you.

Messages In This Thread
Racism and ESL teaching in China. Would you still apply? -- Whiteman -- 2005-02-14
Racism in China, Etc. -- Hangzhou Teacher -- 2005-02-14
Racism in China - Do foreigners bring this upon themselves? -- An Inquiring Mind -- 2005-02-15
There is Racism in ... -- An Inquiring Mind -- 2005-02-15
The "Laowai", Racism and Personal Space in China -- An Inquiring Mind -- 2005-02-15
What's wrong, Laowai? -- Chunping Alex Wu -- 2005-02-16
Response -- Mic -- 2005-02-18
Laowai does not mean anything bad in a friendly way -- Alex Wu -- 2005-02-19
Yes Mic... -- Chinaman -- 2005-02-18
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Laowai does not mean anything bad in a friendly way

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