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Bob - 2009-09-15

I had a pretty bad experience in Korea. I got royally shafted financially by both schools I worked for (as well as one in China) and lost a TON OF MONEY! I also wasn't too thrilled about the way some of the natives in Korea treated foreigners. I am from LA and live amongst hundreds of thousands of Koreans. Some of the brilliant minds over at dave's love to say that us whiteys are now getting a taste of our own medicine by finally being on the receiving end of racism, rather than being the perpetrators. Their logic is that now that we have experienced it we will be more kind to recent immigrants in our own countries.

Um, I don't think so. Yeah, at least 20 Korean men either physically challenged me, spit on me, or called any woman I happened to be near a traitor and a whore for being with a foreigner. Anyways the list goes on and on. I have always been nice to all people and I am still nice to most people, except Koreans, or anyone who even remotely looks Korean. In fact, I am just waiting until some ajosshi tries to pull a tough guy routine on me here in the states. You see where I am going with this hate.....?

I know I can't generalize like that. Furthermore, I know that this bitterness is only hurting myself. Can anyone relate to this? I know there a tons of people who have left Korea with a bad taste in their mouths. Were you bitter? If so, how did you get beyond it? Perhaps we can start a disgruntled ex Korea teacher support group! I mean, I have talked to tons of people about this but the only people who truly understand and know how awful it can be are people who have actually been in a similar situation there.

Messages In This Thread
I am becoming a bitter racist! Help! (bad Korea exp) -- Bob -- 2009-09-15
Re: I am becoming a bitter racist! Help! (bad Korea exp) -- Frank -- 2009-11-17
Re: I am becoming a bitter racist! Help! (bad Korea exp) -- ANET -- 2009-11-18
Re: I am becoming a bitter racist! Help! (bad Korea exp) -- Yellow Sam -- 2009-11-18
Re: I am becoming a bitter racist! Help! (bad Korea exp) -- Von -- 2009-09-19
Re: I am becoming a bitter racist! Help! (bad Korea exp) -- Seoulman -- 2009-09-19
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