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Not a native son - 2009-10-01

Congratulations, you nation of dragons!

You have been around for thousands of years, with all the many ups and downs in your long history.

You have been humbled and lifted up again, restoring yourself to self-respect, and you have earned the respect among the nations of this globe.

May you prosper economically, and may you be able to share the common wealth with your entire population so that everyone truly benefits from the economical progress you have made so far.

You still have got a long way to go, and you have started out to walk along the the narrow and long path towards full respect of civil liberties, the rule of law,democracy, privacy, justice, peace and internal social stability inside your nation. May wise leadership gain you the international respect of a nation with good educational standards of your people, follow a careful ecological policy in respect of nature and the people living in and with it, and may you always seek the balance of power and refrain from any imperialist tendencies that once were used by the West to make you suffer.

May your nation contribute to the common benefit of mankind and be fully equal among other nations. For, not respecting the rights of others will earn you the disrespect and strong dislike of those around you! With the destiny in your hands now, it depends on you which path you will follow and how others perceive you as a nation and a global player!

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