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Turino - 2009-11-13

Cunning Linguist has said:

Hello Turino and welcome back. Thanks for providing an interesting take on the fairer sex when they are on top in a dominating position.

First of all,thank you for welcoming me back.The main reason I haven't been posting regularly is because I took a job between semesters teaching GAC.I reckoned it might well not be my best option,but it would be more interesting than doing summer camp.In fact,it turned out to be a major disappointment,not only because my employer was too mean to have a computer installed in my apartment,but because of the corruption I witnessed and the dull and lazy rich teens I tried to teach.
Luckily for me,it turned out that her distrust of me,and mine of her,were beneficial to me - no contract signed,so I could walk without fear of repercussions,and that's exactly what I did!
Re my take on the fairer sex,let me say that not all Chinese women working as school waiban or deans of English departments are bad.But in my experience,when they are bad,they are very big arschlocher,much worse than the Chinese men.That's why I'm unwilling to sign up anywhere that has elevated them.
Some clown has posted about gender discrimination.He (or she) probably doesn't realise that in the good ole days of VSO and the Peace Corps supplying FT's to 'poor,developing China', those two charities conveniently chose to turn a blind eye whenever the Chinese FE establishments showed unfair bias by employing many more foreign female jobseekers than foreign male jobseekers.Maybe the Chinese were afraid of foreign men sleeping with the students/teachers or drinking excessively or quarrelling with the teachers and leaders.As a rule,louwai of the fairer sex were obviously deemed far less troublesome by Chinese employers.Nobody said a thing about that in those days despite Western taxpayers' money as well as donations having paid for the round trip air fares that allowed the volunteer FT's to fly to and from here in the first place!Shame on those two charities for having allowed the Chinese to practice their gender discrimination in those days!And don't tell me that's because the pronunciation of the fairer sex is often clearer.It ain't necessarily so!And so what if it is - it's time to redress the balance.

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Re: Women on top -- Turino -- 2009-11-13
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