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P@3 - 2009-12-01

I recently applied for a teaching position at yet another training school. Although the training school where I worked previously was completely insane and made you constantly feel threatened, the contract for the recent school where I applied must take the cake.

The contract was so totally one-sided and full of ambiguous stipulations that my head was spinning.

The contract included clauses that allowed:

  • the company to subtract a total of 1,500 RMB from your pay as a "deposit".
  • the company the right to fine you up to the total refund to a student if the student quits based on vague reasons to do with the teacher, plus an additional "mandatory" fine of 1,000 RMB.
  • the company to fine you up to another $2,000 - $4,000 USD (the total possible fine is unclear) based on fuzzy and undefined accusations from a student.

    Is this kind of legal language so common in China?

    Is this kind of legal language acceptable to just get a job and keep money rolling in?

    What actual legal recourse do these training schools have other than simply withholding pay to cover the "fines"?

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    Screwy Contract Clauses -- P@3 -- 2009-12-01
    Re: Screwy Contract Clauses -- Monitor -- 2009-12-01
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