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Chris - 2005-03-03
In response to Putting Things Into Perspective (Mike D)

I have to agree about having some perspective when it comes to schools and blacklists.

The information posted is only about bad schools and it warps the perception of teachers looking for work.

The vast (and largely silent) majority of teachers in Korea seem to be happy and well employer. However the discontented are always more vocal.

Finally, one should be extremely wary of blacklists for one good reason: you do not know what the list administrators do to validate claims that a school is bad.
All too often a school ends up on a blacklist with no more then a rant from a foreign teacher. Often, claims are not verified with the employer or with other teachers working there. The blacklists currently online are all too quick on the trigger when it comes to schools.

One of my former school in Busan (worked there from 1997-1999) was blacklisted during my last year there. Yet, this school was more then fair and a great place to work. The teacher who complained was a buffoon who did not expect to work but wanted to be paid. He was fired after coming in drunk twice and after repeated warnings about being late. Yet, when he went online to rant about the school, it was blacklisted and this hurt their business.

That is but one example of why blacklists need to be taken with a huge grain of salt.



Messages In This Thread
Putting Things Into Perspective -- Mike D -- 2004-10-10
Hagwon Blacklist -- Matt J -- 2004-12-01
How would you define an English teacher? -- Tom -- 2004-10-10
as 'someone who teachers English"?! # -- Dos -- 2004-10-22
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