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Mike D'Angelo - 2009-12-21

Hello all,

I am currently teaching as an IELTS training teacher and wanted to share some of my ideas and ask you guys if you might have any ideas.

I have been teaching in China for three years now and my tactics in the classroom have been changing a lot. My favorite way now is to use podcasts during my classes for part of it. Some of the podcasts provide learning material to go along with them. There are different ESL podcasts depending on the level of your students. Podcasts are like radio shows in mp3 format if you didn't know.

You could try ESLpod for lower students but I think it is a little boring. The one I have been using lately is www.china232.com because I think it is fun and a good level for my students. They also have entire transcripts of the their show which I find great in my classroom. I like to talk about what is actually said in spoken English during my class (not just a made up conversation).

I would like to use other media lessons in my class such as this. Do you guys know of any other learning material that is similar to this or might be of use? I like trying different methods because I find my students seem to respond differently to the same material.


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