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CSUWS - 2009-12-26
In response to qualifications/schools (Sam)

What "qualifications" you need to teach in China depends on what region you are living in. Some schools require a degree, many do not. Having a degree and/or TESOL is beneficial in the larger cities like Shanghai, Wuhan, or Guangzhou, but good looks ( and blonde hair and blue eyes) sell much better than any certificate or degree you might have ( although most universities in China require at least a first degree now )

Stick to universities if you want to teach in China, the pay is lower, but the conditions and working hours are usually very good. Public school FT's in China are always better than teachers at TC's because at uni you are not required to follow any specific " teaching formula ". At TC's it is the usual "one size fits all " syndrome. Chain schools overwork FT's and bully them, how can an FT perform well under such stressful conditions? Students at chain schools are usually stuck up and spoilt brats and snobs who know nothing. Avoid all training centres, they are crap, they only care about profits, the "managers" and "DOS" who work at that places ( Chinese and Western ) are scumbags and losers who know nothing about education.

Education in China is always about style over substance, don't fall for that "the Chinese value education" rubbish. The Chinese do not know what good education is, they are mostly gullible and very easily brainwashed.

"International Schools" in China should also be avoided like the plague, they are ever bit as bad as training centres.

Training centres and "international schools" are a scourge on education, they must all be eliminated ASAP!

Messages In This Thread
qualifications/schools -- Sam -- 2009-12-23
Re: qualifications/schools -- CSUWS -- 2009-12-26
Re: qualifications/schools -- Jigga -- 2010-01-03
Re: qualifications/schools -- MasterMason -- 2009-12-26
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