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englishgibson - 2010-01-09

Puzzled, your post is quite puzzling and that with all due respect to you. Why would you open the door, if you smelled the sh*t?

what do these kinda recruiters do with all the documentation they receive from fts, such as copies of passports or credentials?
Puzzled replied:
What a strange question to ask! Presumably, they just delete the electronic copies once they've used them to place foreign teachers. Or do they do other things with them. I wouldn't have thought so, but maybe you think otherwise!
Strangely enough, there's a sh*t load of recruiters around. Just have a look at this site or the elt site and see for yourself. They claim there're 100s of jobs here or there, but then they usually do not back their claims up with their follow-ups on fts applications. Moreover, when a ft asks for a specific location, city or province to work in, these recruiters lead the ft into other cities and/or provinces which proves the point that there aren't as many jobs they've got as they claim they've got.
So, Puzzled, wouldn't you say the door to abuse is open and these electronic copies deletions of fts documents are a hell lot of work for these busy recruiters? Why would the recruiters need fts' passport or credential copies after all? Why couldn't the recruiters just pass on the applications info wihtout the copies to the employers for further considerations is a bit puzzling? Overseas applicants get their paperwork ready themselves before they enter mainland and local fts' applications end up being handled by the employers and fts themselves, don't they?

Cheers and beers to all of our points of views on the topic :)

Messages In This Thread
Re: Attention - Frank Zhang wangbadan at work again! -- englishgibson -- 2010-01-07
Re: Attention - Frank Zhang wangbadan at work again! -- Puzzled -- 2010-01-08
Re: Attention - Frank Zhang wangbadan at work again! -- englishgibson -- 2010-01-09
Re: Attention - Frank Zhang wangbadan at work again! -- Turino -- 2010-01-09
Re: Attention - Frank Zhang wangbadan at work again! -- englishgibson -- 2010-01-10
Re: Attention - Frank Zhang wangbadan at work again! -- Puzzled -- 2010-01-09
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