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James - 2005-03-07
In response to Making it in Moscow (Ben Pike)

I have been all over Russia. I know all the EFL schools in Russia, and I can say that BKC is not so good. In fact, most of the schools in Russia are not so good. Most of them offer a very low salary on average $US 500, why teach there when you can teach in South Korea and make about four times that amount? You could live much more comfortably and buy more teaching materials with a reasonable salary like they offer in Korea or Japan. Moscow is the fourth most expensive city in the world, yet they pay you as if you were living in Mongolia. I like Russia very much, it is probably one of my favorite countries, maybe because I studied Russian language in school. But, unfortunately, it is not worth teaching there because they don't pay you enough to live a reasonable standard living. You most likely will lose money trying to live a good life in Moscow or St. Petersburg. Consider you make about $500- 600US dollars a month. Your visa alone will cost you $100! I can go on and on. Maybe when Russia joins the WTO, the EFL teaching situation will become more modern and econmical.

Messages In This Thread
Making it in Moscow -- Ben Pike -- 2005-03-04
Not the best choice -- James -- 2005-03-07
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