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IHateRecruiters - 2010-01-14

Henry Zhou is the name of a recruiter who works out of Wuhan China. Why there seem to be so many complaints about this city I do not know, but I see them popping up constantly.

Anyhow, Henry Zhou is a recruiter and agent who routinely finds, and cheats foreigners who come to China, or who are already here. He is not just a recruiter, but also something of a hiring agent. Basically he finds token foreigners to go to bars and drink crap liquor for free, or for store openings. I suppose a foreigner there will attract more attention or some such. He also books talent for bars and clubs. Also, hen finds English teachers for schools, both part time and full.

Mine was a full time employment issue, though he screws most of his people via part time work. I answered an advertisement he placed online about a position in Hangzhou. I do not wish to name the school for fear of retaliation. I did my due diligence, asking every question under the son. I wanted pictures, and got them, wanted to speak to 3 former teachers who had worked there, or who still did, and was able to do so, or so I thought. I saw pictures of the apartment, as I asked, the school, everything I asked foe was given. The job was good, but not too good.

Now Henry Zhou himself was disorganized, and not too bright in my opinion, your typical recruiter, which is in part why I demanded to know everything I could. Sadly things took forever, because the guy took forever to get back to you, didn't listen when you spoke, and was just plain lazy. However I got such good feedback from the three teachers, two of which still worked there, and from my research about the school, that I was not discouraged. I just wanted things to get done so I did not have to deal with this guy anymore, as he was a real headache.

Well, after everything was done, all negotiations concluded, I went to the school to start. I should say that while the job needed someone ASAP, Mr Hong, aka Henry Zhou, dragged his feet so much it took a forever for anything to happen. However things went will with the school, so I was happy.

Now I must say that the people who picked me up at the train station were quite nice, however, when I got there, the first thing I noticed wrong was the the front of the school looked different from what I remembered. Hmm I thought, interesting. I thought at that point that maybe I had just seen another entrance, as it was a large "public" school, or so I had been told.

Now before I was even able to go to my apartment I was led to the headmasters office. As I entered the gates, I was presented with what was a rather shabby, run down campus. Even by Chinese standards this place was poorly maintained. I was shocked when I got inside the main building to see the state of disrepair. I kept waiting to see something in the pictures that would click with what I was seeing, but nothing registered.

Once I got into the main building of what was a very very small campus, I was introduced to the headmaster. After some talking with one of their English teachers as their translator, I asked if I could speak to the person who I had dealt with on the phone, they said they knew no such person. I found this odd, and then proceeded to ask if I could speak to the other foreign teachers who worked there. They said I was the only one there at that time. I found this odd, as I had just spoken to 3 people, 2 of whom claimed to be working there right now. Hmm. At this point I was getting a little nervous, and as the headmaster presented the contract, I noticed the name on the contract was not the same name I had been given. I asked about this, and the school name I had been given, and they said they knew nothing about this. Hmm. I said I would need to look over the contract it and return it the next day. He was not pleased by this, and insisted I sign it now, but I would have nothing of it, and let him know I could sign nothing I had not had time to study in peace and quiet without someone looking over my shoulder. After some time debating this, I was escorted out and shown to my apartment.

After a nice long, very long drive, of at least 45 minutes, we got there. I was told the apartment was 10 minutes walk from the school I said. They informed me this was not the case, and they did not know where I got this idea from. I let them know where, and they said I must have misunderstood something. Hmm.

Once we arrived I was presented with a dump of an apartment building. I was not at this point surprised. The pictures I had seen showed a very nice building. I have no problem with walk ups, however what I saw were pictures of very nice building, with an elevator, fully furnished, with everything one needed. This building was old, run down, and falling apart. Once we got up to the 7th floor, I found myself presented with a plywood door, and no steel security door. I could put my fist through this door with ease, which was a precursor of what was to come once we got inside. Once we did I was presented with the worst dump I had ever seen. Trash was everywhere, and it smelled of mold and fungus of various sorts. There was rotting food in the kitchen and on the floors, and I don't even want to get into the mess that was the bathroom. There was nothing whatsoever of what I had been promised in the apartment. No refrigerator, computer, nothing. In fact all there was was a very old bed. upon letting them know my anger at what was not what I had been shown, they said this was all they had, and that they had never sent anyone any pictures to give me. As I sat down to think a rat skittered past my foot.

At this point I was standing there feeling like a real sucker. I was bid good night, and told they would return for me the next day. I then proceeded to look more closely at the contract, and noticed certain things in the small print and little details that did not match the one I had received. Everything was wrong, and I mean everything.

I booked it the hell out of there, putting myself up in a hotel, and returned the next day to my old place, which I fortunately still had a lease on.

I knew I had been exposed to the old bait and switch. The next day as I was leaving I called the number the school had given me, not the number I had been givein by Henry Zhou(Rudy Hong), and explained things to them in full. They were shocked and had no knowledge of any of this, as they had left everything in Henry, Rudys hands. I was not sure how complicit they were, so upon arriving home I contacted Henry/Rudy, he did not respond. I did more digging, and asked around. Seems Henry Zhou has been arond for some time. He used to use the name Rudy Hong, and in that guise he cheated quite a lot of people. After no one would work for him anymore, he changed his name to Henry Zhou. I only found these things out by talking to a friend of mine who had heard the name because he lives in Wuhan. Henry Zhou himself claims to have been working and living in Beijing, however once I knew more I did some checking, and found he is really in Wuhan.

I soon discovered that I was not the first person he had done this to. The pictures I got, the old bait and switch, sent by Henry, not the school. The people I spoke to, I have no ideas who they were, but they did not work at the school, and I am quite sure the school did not set that scam up. Again, Henry's handiwork, as were the fake apartment photos and fake school photos.

Henry pulled the old bait and switch. I don't blame the school, as it turns out I never spoke to anyone there except for one time, for the interview. After that, the photos and other things I thought were from the school, were simply from Rudy, henry, whatever his name is, pretending to be the school.

People, you need to avoid recruiters, they are the scum of the earth. This one in particular shows just how vile and dispicable they can be. They will do almost anything to to get you to go to a school so they can get paid. Likely he was hoping that I would stay there as I had committed myself, something many foreigners do, grin and bear it. he did not know I had resources and somewhere else to go. Had I not I would have been stuck there until finding something else.

Avoid this fellow, he is the worst kind of recruiter, though they all are bad if you ask me. No doubt some are better than others, but I know I will never use one again because of this. Rudy Hong, Henry Zhou, whatever your real name is, I think your time will come quite soon.

If any of you see an ad posted by a Henry Zhou, avoid it, and the job being posted for, like the plague, unless you want to go through something similar to what I went through. The guy is the worst of the worst. I hope this is a cautionary tale that people will heed. Don't use recruiters, period. I've certainly learned my lesson, that's for certain. The email he used while speaking to me was myesl@yahoo.cn No doubt he has many others. As Rudy Hong he stole tons of money from many foreigners he owed when he went bankrupt, and now he is back. These people may be able to change their names, but their actions eventually rat them out in the end.

I hope this tale helps someone in the future to avoid the mess I went through. I ended up wasting a lot of time, and money on this guy and his false promises and lies. There is no end these recruiters will go to to make money, and that includes paying other foreigners to pretend they are teachers working in a school they are not. Or to send you fake pics of schools and apartments, or fake contracts, simply shameful.

Messages In This Thread
Recruiter Henry Zhou screwed me, please read -- IHateRecruiters -- 2010-01-14
Re: Recruiter Henry Zhou screwed me, please read -- Lucy -- 2010-02-04
Re: Recruiter Henry Zhou screwed me, please read -- CSUWS -- 2010-01-15
Re: Recruiter Henry Zhou screwed me, please read -- The Owl -- 2010-01-14
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