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betcha - 2005-03-09

I just want to make some comments. I've read and re read all the posts here and it seems to me nobody complains about ESL Teaching in the Middle Eastern countries. I
like to hear some comments from any of the english teachers there.Countries like saudi arabia, united arab emirates, oman, qatar, libya, egypt,etc.These countries are somewhat similar to china, as they also don't speak fluent english [ mainly arabic,as chinese to china],even their way of writing is different[same with china,only the arabic writing is the worm-like kind].
Middle Eastern countries are also rich countries,[they own most of the oilwells]. From my obsevation[as I had the chance to work in that country for 10 years]they don't make a big deal about who is going to teach the english language, I guess, because, english is not their main obsession not like in China.What I know from some of my arab friends[men,women],if they want to study the english language,they study abroad where the language is constantly spoken.Not like in China where they hire a english teacher to do the job for them.The chinese are so maniacally obsessed with the english language, compared to the saudians or arabians.In the Middle East,they employ and accept all kinds of people from all walks of life,as long as you are qualified,although,there is racism, it's not as rampant as compared to China.If you will compare their traditions and culture, they are somewhat similar to chinese, they marry their own cousins or relatives because they do not want to spread their wealth,etc.etc.
I'm not writing this, to provoke anger or fights.I just want to inject something stimulating to this site, not only complaints about china,china and more china.[enough already!]
You are all welcome to post your views but I repeat,
only constructive views please... >\-|

Messages In This Thread
how about the middle east? -- betcha -- 2005-03-09
Lebanon -- Phil -- 2005-03-15
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