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David Ash - 2010-02-08

Dyslexia is a learning disorder that manifests itself as a difficulty with reading, spelling and in some cases mathematics. There is no cure for dyslexia, but dyslexic individuals can learn to read and write with appropriate educational support.

On the upside.

Dyslexic thinkers are among the brightest in our schools; what's more, with the right approach, the dyslexic thinking style contains all the ingredients of academic success.

Traits of being dyslexic are having an amazing mind that can make leaps rather than take steps. dyslexics are intuitive people, They are highly aware of their environment, More curious than average, They have vivid imaginations, and They think and perceive multi-dimensionally (using all the senses)

Some famous people with dyslexia: Sir Richard Branson, Tom Cruise, Da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, and my favorite dyslexic Teacher Albert Einstein.

There are two basic kinds of learners: Verbal and Nonverbal. Intelligence does not play a role in this distinctionit is simply a difference in learning and thinking styles.

Verbal learners mainly think in words rather than pictures, with a sort of internal dialogue. Verbal thought is linear and follows the structure of language. Thinking verbally consists of composing mental sentences, one word at a time, at about the same speed as speech.

Nonverbal learners mainly think in pictures. They think with 3-dimensional, multi-sensory images that evolve and grow as the thought process adds more information or concepts. They do not experience much, if any, internal dialogue. This thought process happens so much faster than verbal thinking, that it is usually subliminal.

The Dyslexia Dilemma.

Words that enable a picture-thinking person to imagine a picture have meaning and are clearly understood. However, they are unconsciously challenged when faced with certain words like: the, was, if, and, were, in, on, as, or, that...and at least 209 others just like them (commonly known as sight words).
Those words are at the root of reading difficulties for a picture-thinker.


With no picture to process for each sight word, the reading material quickly loses meaning - causing confusion, frustration, and fatigue.
Consider, for a moment that up to 60% of any given written paragraphs are words that DO NOT trigger a visual picture. Imagine, as a person who thinks in pictures, trying to obtain the real meaning of a paragraph when 60% of the words are words with which they cannot think!
So what does a Dyslexics Teacher have to offer his or her students? With the advancement of Technology, come the age of the dyslexic teacher. Last year the Teacher of the year in the U.K. is a dyslexic teacher.

How students learn, Working memory is where thinking gets done and is dual-coded with a buffer for storage of verbal or text elements, and a second buffer for visual or spatial elements. Short-term memory is thought to be limited to approximately four objects that can be simultaneously stored in visual or spatial memory and about seven objects that can be simultaneously stored in verbal memory.

Within working memory, verbal/text memory and visual/spatial memory work together, without interference, to strengthen understanding. However, overfilling either buffer can result in cognitive overload and weaken learning.

Multimodal Learning through Media: use of multimedia during instruction? As it suggests, multimedia is one modality of learning that can help students learn more efficiently when applied properly, because convergenceor sensory input simultaneously combined with new informationhas positive effects on memory retrieval, but too much sensory input can lead to cognitive overload, the report cautions, so educators must be careful to use multimedia appropriately.

A dyslexic teacher is able to teach Via a Varity multimedia solutions. With a Laptop, Projector, and with Dragon naturally speaking and M.S. Word you can teach on multimedia platform.

With The laptop, and projector youre able to offer a Multitude of diverse lesson, from Culture Orientation (as we know Language and Culture go hand in hand) to presentation for students of English for specific purposes. With a Laptop, Projector, and with Dragon naturally speaking turned on, student are able to see word form as speak by a native speaker.

State of the art Speech Recognition puts you in the conversation.

The possibilities are endless, With the Averments of 3D; we as teacher are now able to offer students an Introducing 3D Language in the shape of voice-interactive, language learning game, by interacting with our virtual villagers in real-time, by speaking with them through a microphone!

With a laptop youre able to build a dater base of lesson plans, and call them upon a whim.

As a learner with learner difficulties, maybe you more likely to associate yourself with a slow student, and believe in a student's potential, but this is only speculation.

My question is, is my Dyslexia a students Gain or loss?

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A Dyslexia Teacher. -- David Ash -- 2010-02-08
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