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Andrea Dunnett - 2010-02-25

Anyone out there working for DD Dragon schools or Pearson Longman? I'm considering both and would like feedback from those experienced with either school. I've heard and read some horror stories of companies taking teachers passports and forcing them to work long hours beyond the contract agreements.
Other concerns I have; pay isn't great, compared to what an elementary teacher makes in Canada, but I know cost of living is so low that one can still manage to save while there. Just wondering if that's still the case as my research may be a bit dated now. So cost of living info for those teaching in China would be very helpful.
I'd also appreciate any recommendations or suggestions regarding Shanghai (and other parts of China - but most interested in Shanghai).
Another question regarding visas - some schools, like DD dragon state that visas will be dealt with AFTER teacher arrival - how does entering the country with a job and no visa work? Or should/could I get one on my own once hired? Don't like the idea of going without one really.
Any help, comments, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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