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Scam Revealer - 2010-03-01
In response to Re: Why blame the teachers who worked there (helmut wingnut)

Turnoi is mistaken, it's that simple. I've read a lot of this persons post, they seem to have a bit of an elitist attitude, and arrogant streak running through most of what they write. Turnois posts are indeed helpful, but often times tainted with what seems a kind of high and mighty attitude.

Firstly, you can not blame a teacher for where they work, just as you can't blame someone for who their mother or father is.

Indeed, in some cases teachers who take jobs at training centers like EF do so because they can do no better. However, in most cases I think it is just a total lack of education on the esl industry, basically ignorance. That does not a bad teacher make. Lots of foreigners come here to China having never taught here before, but are often quite qualified. Therefore, to say that "I would never hire anyone who had worked for EF" is rather elitist and pretentious sounding to me.

I'd be careful about making blanket statements about a group of people if I were you. Many a good teacher has been snared by such places. Me thinks that this Turnoi fellows head has swelled to larger than normal proportions, as he prattles on about his "school" and how he would never " hire anyone who had worked for such places". A more arrogant statement I have not heard.

Turnoi, you need to reflect some o

Judge people on their individual merits, not so much on where they have worked. If EF or some other terrible training center was their "first" job, than it is hard to label them "Not worth hiring" when it is much more likely they went to work their out of sheer ignorance. You've gone over board on this one Turnoi, and your inability to admit your stumble only shows how arrogant you have become. take a step back, and reevaluate your words. They are more than a bit irrationale and unreasonable.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Why blame the teachers who worked there -- helmut wingnut -- 2010-02-28
Re: Why blame the teachers who worked there -- Scam Revealer -- 2010-03-01
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